How long does the knee hurt after a knee replacement? A knee endoprosthesis is nothing more than an artificial joint that is replaced in patients who complain of acute and chronic knee pain and are qualified for this type of procedure. Knee endoprosthesis is a procedure that involves replacing the damaged parts of the knee with a prosthesis. The effect of the procedure is to restore the patient’s knee to full function, motion and mobility.
When to opt for a knee endoprosthesis?
Patients who come to Medi Horizon Clinic, suffer from pain, have limitations in the mobility of the knee – which cause significant difficulty in performing basic activities. During a thorough consultation with orthopedist Dr. Andrzej Suwara, MD – imaging studies such as X-ray of the knee or MRI of the knee are analyzed – and then an appropriate method of treatment is selected individually to the patient.
Patients who suffer from knee osteoarthritis, have primary or acquired injuries, as well as those complaining of severe pain after injuries are eligible for knee endoprosthesis. Knee endoprosthesis is also performed in patients in whom conservative treatment – such as knee arthroscopy – is unsuccessful.
What does knee endoprosthesis procedure look like?
The knee replacement procedure, or endoprosthesis implantation, is performed under general or subarachnoid anesthesia and usually takes about 2h. During the procedure the patient does not experience pain. During the procedure, orthopedist Dr. Andrzej Suwara, MD, surgically removes the diseased knee joint. Then the appropriate knee endoprosthesis, tailored individually to the patient, is placed in the right place. After the procedure, patients usually have peripheral anesthesia so that they can comfortably begin post-operative physiotherapy in the first 48h after the surgery and are pain-free.
How long does the knee hurt after a knee replacement?
At Medi Horizon Clinic Warsaw Hospital, patients after knee endoprosthesis surgery stay a few days so that under the supervision of qualified medical staff and physiotherapists they can begin physiotherapy. During the hospital stay, the patient, under the guidance of a specialist, performs a number of exercises that will allow a quick return to everyday life. After knee endoprosthesis surgery – patients receive intensive physiotherapy to quickly restore full range of motion of the knee. After about 2-3 weeks, the patient weans off the crutches.
Pain after the procedure is an individual issue for each patient. Knee pain after surgery usually can last up to about 3 months, this is the process of regeneration of tissues, muscles – this is mainly related to the mobility of the knee. The more the patient takes advantage of physiotherapy and exercises independently at home – the sooner he will reach full fitness, and thus forget about knee pain.
Why perform knee replacement surgery at Medi Horizon Clinic?
Medi Horizon Clinic Orthopedic Hospital guarantees professional and expert treatment at a high level. We take an individual approach to each patient by selecting the appropriate treatment method. Specialists at Medi Horizon Clinic constantly improve their qualifications and focus on development. If you are interested in knee endoprosthesis surgery Warsaw Medi Horizon Clinic – we invite you to a consultation.