Tennis elbow treatment (lateral epicondylitis)

Professional treatment of lateral epicondylitis of the humerus

Tennis elbow treatment – It is estimated that more than half of patients suffering from this ailment have nothing to do with playing tennis. The pain involves the area of the lateral compartment of the wrist extensors, causing discomfort, restricted mobility, and often muscle weakness. The basis for proper treatment is the implementation of appropriate diagnostics and rehabilitation.

Tennis elbow diagnosis at Medi Horizon Clinic

Tennis elbow is diagnosed in the office of an orthopedic surgeon or sports medicine physician. Diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis of the humerus is based on a detailed interview with the patient and a physical examination, that is careful palpation of the affected area and muscle tests. The doctor uses pressure on the tissues of the elbow and wrist joint to assess pain. Two types of muscle tests are useful in diagnosing tennis elbow:

  • Cozen test – the patient assumes a comfortable sitting position, the tested upper limb is slightly tilted at the shoulder joint and bent at the elbow joint. The forearm is in pronation, and the hand is clenched into a fist. The doctor or physiotherapist stabilizes the patient’s elbow joint and gives resistance on the dorsal side of the hand with his hand. Then the person under examination must make a straightening movement at the wrist joint against the resistance. If there is pain localized at the level of the lateral epicondyle or the pain radiates on the radial side when the joint movement is made, then the diagnosis is positive.
  • Thomson test – the patient performs a slight wrist extension with his fist clenched and elbow joint fully straightened. The examiner stabilizes the wrist from the palmar side with one hand, while the other hand covers his fist. The patient is instructed to flex his fist dorsally against the examiner’s resistance, or vice versa – the examiner flexes his fist palmarily against the patient’s resistance. When there is uncomfortable pain in the lateral epicondyle area, this indicates symptoms of tennis elbow.

Diagnostic imaging tests performed at Medi Horizon Clinic include.;

  • X-ray – taken in two projections – AP and lateral. Preferably of both elbow joints in order to determine whether there was any trauma there in the past, and to check for calcifications, degenerative changes, and free bodies in the joint attachment of the extensor muscles that press on the nerves,
  • Ultrasound – allows to quickly and painlessly diagnose the condition of the entire elbow joint including all soft tissues. What is also important – it is an excellent tool for monitoring the effects of physiotherapy treatment. Compared to other imaging methods, it can be performed at short intervals without any risk.

At Medi Horizon Clinic, treatment of lateral epicondylitis of the humerus is provided by experienced Orthopedic Specialists.

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Frequently asked questions:

  • How does the injury called tennis elbow manifest itself?

    Ankle ligament reconstruction is performed for health reasons.

    Tennis elbow describes several types of lesions and injuries:

    • Inflammation of the joint attachment of the extensor muscles of the wrist and fingers resulting from degenerative and overload changes,
    • entrapment of the cutaneous branch of the radial nerve, which causes irritation of sensitive structures around the joint, contributing to the appearance of paresthesia of the upper limb – tingling, numbness and reduced muscle strength,
    • damage to the entire ligamentous complex of the lateral elbow joint (mainly the annular ligament of the head of the radial bone).

    The hallmark of all the described conditions is pain in the lateral part of the elbow, above the elbow joint.łokiec tenisisty warszawa

  • Whom does the injury affect most often?

    Tennis elbow manifests itself in 95% of cases in people who are exposed to constant, repetitive movements of the forearm and wrist. When this happens, the muscles and tendons are deprived of time for proper regeneration. This results in the formation of micro-injuries, which cause inflammation and swelling. Lateral epicondylitis is also unfamiliar to people who work in front of a computer. Lack of ergonomic position of the upper limbs, when the wrists are rested on the table and the hands are slightly raised, affects the development of the condition. Tennis elbow is prevalent among people of working age, with the peak incidence occurring between the ages of 40 and 50. Among the occupations predisposing to the injury are:

    • auto mechanics,
    • hairdressers,
    • electricians,
    • locksmiths,
    • tailors,
    • massage therapists and physiotherapists,
    • rowers and javelin throwers.

    It should be remembered that not only too much strain on the elbow and wrist can cause the condition. It also occurs when a person who is not very physically active abruptly loads the limb – then the tendon, which is unaccustomed to exertion, can be torn and lateral epicondylitis of the humerus can develop.

  • What are the symptoms of the condition?

    The first notable symptoms of tennis elbow are pain, localized on the outside of the elbow joint, which occur during the day. Over time, they become worse when grasping objects, carrying or trying to clench the hand. In the next stage, elbow pain very often radiates to the forearm or wrist, causes an unpleasant tingling sensation and numbness in the whole hand. On palpation, tissue tenderness and marked warming are observed. Such pain significantly affects the quality of daily functioning, as it makes it difficult, among other things, to hold a cup, shake hands, and is an obstacle to other basic activities. This causes patients legitimate frustration and a marked decrease in well-being. Medi Horizon offers modern forms of diagnosis and rehabilitation tailored to individual patients’ needs.

  • How long does it take to recover?

    The recovery period for tennis elbow depends on the degree of pain and the patient’s commitment to the rehabilitation process. It usually takes about 4 weeks to return to full activity. Our doctor will issue a medical release for the duration of treatment so that you can go through the full recovery process in peace. Throughout this period, our patients are under the supervision of one of our orthopedic doctors and a physiotherapist. When you choose Medi Horizon Clinic, you can count on the highest level of orthopedic treatment and rehabilitation.

    At Medi Horizon Clinic in Warsaw, we offer state-of-the-art treatments for tennis elbow. We are distinguished by our individual approach to each patient. Our doctors and physiotherapists select the appropriate treatment methods, taking into account his requirements and needs. We invite you to a consultation with one of our Specialists!

Discover our competitive rates for the procedure tailored to your specific needs.

Procedure Approximate price
Tennis elbow 3000 dollars

Prices listed are approximate and do not constitute a formal offer under the Civil Code. Final costs are tailored to individual treatment needs, including length of stay, choice of implant, rehabilitation, specialized care, dietary preferences, and the patient’s condition.


Treatment of tennis elbow in Warsaw

Treatment of lateral epicondylitis of the humerus at Medi Horizion is based on several basic elements. The first stage involves reducing and possibly eliminating all movements that aggravate the pain. Special bands and orthoses worn on the elbow joint are helpful in this regard. They are designed to stabilize and relieve pressure on joint and muscle structures. Orthopedic aids should fit properly and be made of lightweight breathable materials. Our doctor may also recommend lubricating the injured area with anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments and taking NSAIDs for about two weeks. One of the most important steps in the treatment of tennis elbow is physiotherapy, which involves the combined action of many therapeutic methods and tools within orthopedic rehabilitation. Medi Horizon Clinic employs qualified physiotherapists who are constantly improving their skills. When working with patients, they focus not only on eliminating symptoms, but also on finding the cause of the tennis elbow problem and restoring full activity and function. The goal of rehabilitation is to reduce pain, improve mobility of the entire shoulder girdle and cervical spine, and prevent recurrence. Among the treatments used that give the best therapeutic results are:

  • shock wave – although it is a relatively painful treatment, it gives great results after just 2-3 sessions. The treatment uses a mechanical wave, the pressure of which rises to high values in a very short time. It is a non-invasive method of treating fresh and chronic inflammation of soft tissues ,
  • Kinesiotaping – its purpose is to restore normal body function by properly applying a special patch on the body, which, when properly applied, works to normalize muscle tension. Kinesiotaping aids motor control, prevents further injury, reduces inflammation, removes lymphatic stasis and has an analgesic effect,
  • Transverse massage – this form of treatment is ideal for treating tennis elbow. The massage involves pressing the muscle, moving it across, and then relaxing it. The session lasts about 20-30 minutes. The therapy, combined with appropriate exercises, guarantees muscle regeneration, improved mobility and reduced pain,
  • Exercises – understanding instruction and showing the patient the correct technique is a guarantee of success. Rehabilitation is based on a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises for the extensor muscles of the wrist joint.
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    Admission to Medi Horizon Clinic

    Step 1 – Get in touch with us

    Contact Registration Medi Horizon Clinic by telephone- +48 530 763 608 or via and get comprehensive information.

    Step 2 – Consultation Visit

    Qualification for the procedure requires a standard consultation with a specialist doctor, who conducts a detailed medical interview and selects the appropriate treatment or correction method.

    Step 3 – Decision of the Patient and Doctor

    The doctor makes the decision whether the procedure is feasible and safe for the Patient. Explains to the Patient how the procedure will proceed, determines the scope, and the price. Then, the date for the anesthesiological qualification and the procedure itself is determined.

    Step 4 – Procedure and Stay at Medi Horizon Clinic

    We attach great importance to the optimal choice of anesthesia for the surgical procedure, management of postoperative pain, and appropriate patient regeneration and rehabilitation. The patient is constantly cared for by qualified medical staff.