Hip arthroscopy Warsaw, Poland

Hip arthroscopy in Medi Horizon Clinic

Hip arthroscopy in Warsaw, Poland is a minimally invasive procedure that allows you to safely eliminate various types of ailments in the hip joints. The method is a great alternative to the treatment of degenerative changes and more. The easy procedure significantly shortens the recovery period – patients return to their daily activities much faster, and postoperative scars are minimal.

At Medi Horizon Clinic, hip arthroscopy is performed by specialized doctors in the field of orthopedic surgery. Qualification for the procedure is preceded by a thorough diagnostics, thanks to which the patient is guaranteed professional care by specialists. Find out more!

The Hip arthroscopy procedure at Medi Horizon Clinic is performed by experienced specialists in orthopedics.

The hip joints are one of the most loaded structures of the human skeleton, which is why they are exposed to various types of injuries. The main causes of ailments include injuries resulting from sports (hockey, football, dancing) or traffic accidents. Frequent pathologies also occur as a result of congenital structural changes that predispose to articular cartilage damage – dysplasia, acetabular-femoral conflict. These diseases may contribute to the development of degenerative disease in a short time.

Hip arthroscopy in Warsaw, Poland is especially dedicated to young people who actively practice sports, because it allows you to return to full weight bearing of the limb and previous activity after the recovery period.

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Frequently asked questions:

  • What is hip arthroscopy?

    Hip arthroscopy is an innovative method that involves introducing special tools and a camera into the joint, thanks to which the doctor obtains a detailed image of the examined structures. The main goal of the procedure is to restore the function of the hip joint to its original form and prevent the development of diseases leading to its degeneration. Hip arthroscopy effectively avoids the risk of complications. Thanks to it, the doctor can effectively repair damaged elements, which ultimately prevents the development of degenerative changes.

  • Indications

    The most common indication for hip arthroscopy is a femoral-acetabular conflict, which is a form of mismatch between the shape of the femoral head and the acetabulum. This causes gradual degeneration of the joint labrum and contributes to the gradual loss of joint function.

    • presence of free bodies in the joint,
    • early stage of avascular necrosis of the femoral head,
    • hip joint instability,
    • inflammation and exudation,
    • disruption of the continuity of the femoral head ligament,
    • repair procedures in the hip rotator muscles,
    • removal of hypertrophy of the synovial membrane of the joint,
    • chronic pain after hip dislocation,
    • jumping, blocking and limiting movement,
    • changes in the hip caused by gout or chondrocalcinosis,
    • pain that gets worse when walking

    artroskopia biodra warszawa

  • Contraindications to hip arthroscopy

    Hip arthroscopy is not performed in the case of advanced degenerative changes or significant deformations of joint structures (final stage of avascular necrosis of the femoral head, periarticular ossifications). Contraindications also include any inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue – infections, infections or ulcers.

    Moreover, the arthroscopy procedure should be abandoned when, during a functional examination, the doctor finds a lack of movement in the joint, i.e. the so-called stiff joint. Because as a result of this pathology, it becomes impossible to expand the intra-articular space, which makes it completely difficult to introduce surgical instruments into the joint cavity. The patient’s obesity is also an obstacle – with the high density of soft tissues, reaching the structures becomes impossible.

  • What is the diagnosis process for hip arthroscopy?

    At Medi Horizon Clinic, the main condition for qualifying for the procedure is a detailed diagnostics. In the first stage, the orthopedic surgeon interviews the patient and familiarizes himself with the imaging tests of the hip joint based on X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography. Analysis of the results allows to visualize pathological changes in the joint. During the consultation visit, the doctor answers all the patient’s questions, discusses the hip arthroscopy procedure and the expected effects of the procedure. Then the patient is referred to an anesthesiologist who orders the necessary tests. Before hip arthroscopy, an ECG and chest X-ray should be performed, as well as the following laboratory tests:

    • blood count with smear,
    • ionogram: Na, K,
    • coagulogram: APTT, PT/INR,
    • biochemical tests: glucose, urea, bilirubin, creatinine,
    • HBS antigen,
    • blood group determination (original test),
    • antibody level: HBS, HCV.

    Valid hepatitis B vaccination is also required for treatment qualification. Patients suffering from concomitant diseases should inform their doctor about this fact, who will assess whether there are any contraindications before hip arthroscopy.

  • What does hip arthroscopy procedure look like at Medi Horizon Clinic?

    Hip arthroscopy at Medi Horizon Clinic is performed in the operating theater. The procedure time is from 1 to 2 hours – depending on the degree of joint damage. The medical procedure can be divided into two stages. The first one is diagnostic arthroscopy, during which the doctor makes small incisions to introduce a camera necessary to visualize and assess the degree of joint damage. The second stage is therapeutic arthroscopy – after thoroughly visualizing the disease, the surgeon takes appropriate actions, e.g. repairing the damage, removing the foreign body and cystic lesions.

  • Benefits for patients

    Hip arthroscopy Warsaw, Poland is a procedure that brings many benefits to patients. First of all, it is a minimally invasive procedure that guarantees a shorter hospitalization period. The operated joint can be loaded much faster than in the case of arthroplasty. Of course, in the case of hip arthroscopy, rehabilitation is an essential element of returning to fitness, but its individual stages are much faster.

    Therefore, hip arthroscopy also allows you to effectively eliminate any pathological changes and pain. An additional benefit is the fact that it does not leave visible scars, which minimizes the risk of adhesions and keloids.

    For most patients, it is possible to return to moderate physical activity a few weeks after the procedure. To sum up, regaining full fitness is an individual matter, depending on the age, advancement of the disease and the condition of the person undergoing surgery. This usually takes about 12 weeks. Artroskopia stawu biodrowego warszawa

  • What does rehabilitation look like?

    The rehabilitation plan for each patient is established individually. Therapeutic treatment after hip arthroscopy is aimed at regaining the full functional range of the limb as quickly and safely as possible. These activities require constant contact between the physiotherapist and the surgeon. In this field, Medi Horizon Clinic cooperates with qualified physiotherapists who are specialists in orthopedic rehabilitation. They select appropriate therapy methods to restore neuromuscular coordination and increase joint stability. Rehabilitation consists of several stages that last a total of several weeks.

Discover our competitive rates for the procedure tailored to your specific needs.

Procedure Approximate price
Hip arthroscopy 6500 dollars

Prices listed are approximate and do not constitute a formal offer under the Civil Code. Final costs are tailored to individual treatment needs, including length of stay, choice of implant, rehabilitation, specialized care, dietary preferences, and the patient’s condition.


Why is it worth choosing Medi Horizon Clinic in Warsaw?

The key to eliminating hip joint problems is a comprehensive approach to each stage of treatment. At Medi Horizon Clinic, this will be taken care of by a team of specialists whose mission is to care for the comfort and improve the quality of life of our patients. We offer hip arthroscopy with full diagnostic preparation. Therefore, do not delay – trust experienced doctors who will help you get back to health. 

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    Sign up for a consultation!

    Sign up for a consultation! Qualifying for the procedure today and find out how we can assist you. tel. +48 530 763 608

    Admission to Medi Horizon Clinic

    Step 1 – Get in touch with us

    Contact Registration Medi Horizon Clinic by telephone- +48 530 763 608 or via e-mailrejestracja@medihorizon.pl and get comprehensive information.

    Step 2 – Consultation Visit

    Qualification for the procedure requires a standard consultation with a specialist doctor, who conducts a detailed medical interview and selects the appropriate treatment or correction method.

    Step 3 – Decision of the Patient and Doctor

    The doctor makes the decision whether the procedure is feasible and safe for the Patient. Explains to the Patient how the procedure will proceed, determines the scope, and the price. Then, the date for the anesthesiological qualification and the procedure itself is determined.

    Step 4 – Procedure and Stay at Medi Horizon Clinic

    We attach great importance to the optimal choice of anesthesia for the surgical procedure, management of postoperative pain, and appropriate patient regeneration and rehabilitation. The patient is constantly cared for by qualified medical staff.


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